2's Class

Monday, March 27, 2017

Leaving Mitzrayim

Today we packed our bags and left Mitzrayim (Egypt).
Goodbye Pharoah, we don't want to be your slaves anymore!

Moshe Rabbeinu, dressed up as Sender, leads us out of Mitzryaim. 

We come to water and we think how we can cross over it? 
We ask Hashem for help, and the water splits.

We use our balancing skills to walk over the water.

Other happenings:
We enjoyed a music and drama lesson with Morah Elena.
The children said their name to introduce themselves....

Sang and tapped...


...and went on a train to the zoo to see some wonderful animals!

Kayle stacked the blocks high.

Hannah used strong fingers to stretch the rubber bands around the block, and was able to do so many!

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