2's Class

Monday, January 7, 2019

Zalman's Birthday

Happy birthday Zalman.
Today we celebrated Zalman's birthday,
he turned two.

Rafi decorated Zalman's album.

Zalman used stickers .

Mendel shared a glue with Riva. 

Riva used dot paint for Zalman's present.

More fun moments...

Rafi pushed Riva "all the way to Florida."

Who is the birthday boy ?

Zalman's mother brought pictures to show his friends how he looked when he was very small.

We all loved to see how much Zalman grew.

Now Zalman can do many things all by himself like give hugs.

Mendel and Riva gave Zalman an album we made.

Rafi gave him a present.

Then we all  sang birthday songs and danced with him. 

Where is the cake? we asked.

Here is the cake ... we tasted it, it was sweet.

We all enjoyed  listening to a story read by Zalman's mother.

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