2's Class

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Five Little Snowman

Today the children were practicing their 
fine motor skills.

Around the table everyone got busy. 

Rafi and  Zalman stretched a rubber band
 as much as they could.

Riva threaded beads and she got so excited 
when she saw the bead was on the string  . 

Rafi tried to thread the beads and he also enjoyed seeing 
the beads on the string.

In the kitchen there is something being  cooked.

Riva and Mendel were sharing and making a yummy meal.

Look at me, Zalman built a high tower but a  minute
 after it fell on the floor. 

they all had a creative way to build a train.

  We checked the weather looking out of the window.

We learnt new a winter song about the snowman.
By singing this song we learn how to count numbers.

" Five little snowman made of snow,
Five little snowman sitting in a row.
Out came the sun and stay all day,
One little snowman melted away."

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