2's Class

Friday, January 4, 2019

Look What I Made

Fridays are so much fun in our class.
We get ready for Shabbat by following our 
Shabbat routine.

we decorated Challah bags with stamps.
Zalman was using two at the same time, 
and comparing different type of shapes..

Rafi was excited to see what he stamped
 and said: " Look at this."

Riva and Zalman were building a rail rode.


And... a funny face.

Time for Challah...

We rolled the dough, shaped it... and

 Put Into the oven.
The children enjoy this part every single time. 

Clean up time, everyone helped putting all toys back on the shelf.

And even cleaned the table with wipes.

Today we honered Shabbat and each one put a Tzdakah. 

Blessing the candles.

Blessing the wine.

Blessing the bread.
We talked about the Challah that it is a special bread for Shabbat.

Singing with the shakers Shabbat songs.


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