2's Class

Friday, January 25, 2019

Who Is knocking On Our Door?

Shabbat Shalom ..hey,  Shabbat Shalom...hey,
Shabbat... Shabbat... Shalom to you all.

Shabbat is music to our ears., we love Shabbat routine.

We decorated our Challah bag by peeling stickers..

We were very proud ...
Mendel said: " I made it".

Riva pointed on KADISHMAN photo and said "Kadishman!"

Mendel offered  to help Zalman peel the stickers.

Riva read a Shabbat story to her friends on the Morah chair.

Challah time ... Rafi cut the Challah with scissors.

Riva made a sheep.

Time to put it in the oven.

Singing with friends.

Everyone were excited to go on Shabbat train.
Hold tight.

We gave Tzadaka ...
Rafi waited to his turn and said: "My turn".

Then passed the Tzedakah box to Zalman.

More pictures from our Shabbat party. 

Singing with instruments " There is a dinosaur". 

Shabbat is knocking on our door and we're so happy.

Shabbat Shalom.

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