2's Class

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Hanukkah Dreidel Globe

Today we practiced our fine motor skills by
 threading caps on  pipe cleaners.

We also learnt the colors` name and sorted them.

Zalman used a cutter and tried to cut fine
 pieces from the play dough.

Riva was very happy to add one Lego brick 
at a time and.... build a B'ait Hmikdash.

Today we took care of the babies in class.
We fed them and put them to sleep.

Dramatic play in motion...

Zalman took the animal to see the playground.

Rafi and Riva were playing together
 building B'ait Hamikdash..

Hanukkah is also called "The Holiday Of Lights".
We thought about a different way to bring light. 

We created a colorful dreidel globe
 with  Hanukkah symbols. 

Rafi added a pinch at the time.

Zalman poured a small amount of "snow".

And  Mandel as well.

Riva added the water and closed the cap... and we shook up it.

 Time to light the Menorah.

Today Rafi helped to lit the candles, today will be 2.

We blessed it and sang Hanukkah songs.
The children loved the dreidel song.

Happy Hanukkah .

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