2's Class

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Goodbye Hanukkah, See You Next Year

Do we have say goodbye to Hanukkah?

Today we used new material and new Technic to draw.
Chalk, black board and pom pom.

The children discover how to used the chalk on
 the black board.They were curious to see  the colors appear on
 the board, and then erase it with pom pom.

We also found a different way to draw,
 by tracing out a line around of magnatile.

Riva and Mendel Assembled together the rail rote.

Our little friends were happy to sing and dance while  they were sitting.
Rafi brought a chair and tried to put  between his friends.

Busy in our play dough table making donuts.

Having fun outside.

 We didn't want to say goodbye to Hanukkah but it  just "left".

We played :" I spy with my little eye".
The children had to look around and spy
 with their eyes Hanukkah items and put
 them inside of  the basket.

They found all of them.

Then Zalman held the basket and we all said:
"Bye bye Hanukkah, see you next year."

The children were happy to dig in the fruit
bags to see what Riva brought for snack.

Thank you Riva for being our fruit family this week.

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