2's Class

Friday, September 14, 2018

Shabbat Shalom With Friends

Shabbat in our class is always fun,
and we can feel the spirit of Shabbat
coming and feel happy to celebrate at the 
Shabbat party.

The children decorated their Challah bag.

Rafi used the dot markers.

Riva used 2 colors together.

 Zalman And Mendel splashed the paint beautifully.

In honer of Shabbat the children set our kitchen table with 
Shabbat candles, Challah and cakes.

We baked Challah for Shabbat.

Mendel rolled the dough into a snakelet.

Zalman and Riva rolled it in to a ball.

We asked the children where can we bake our Challah?

Zalman and Riva pointed on the oven on the cabinet.

They helped to put the tray inside the oven.

We watched our Challah baking
 in the oven and it smelled so good.

The children found their pictures on the stamps.

We sang Shabbat songs holding hands...

Dancing with scarves.

We set the table for Shabbat.

Everyone helped :)

Riva lit the candles.

Zalman blessed the wine.

Mendel blessed the bread.

Thank you Rafi for being the fruit family this week.

Shabbat Shalom Chaverim!!!

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