2's Class

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Dancing In Our Sukkah It's Simchat Torah!

Simchat Torah Is Here And We Are So Happy.

The children were excited to create
 a flag for Simchat Torah.

Mendel stamped the letter B on our flag. 

Zalman stamped too and he felt the flag...

It's made of fabric.

We went outside to the big Sukkah...to sitdown, feel, dance
and shake the Lulav. 

Riva smelled the Etrog.

Mendel and Zalman were happy to
 shake the Lulav by themselves.

We also danced to Simchat Torah song.

"V'e Shamachtah Bchagechah...."

Bulding a Sukkah ...

In the sensory table.

With straws.

With magnetiles.

Today the children learned all about Simchat Torah.

Mendel and friends hugged the Torah a lot.

 Zalman was looking on the pictures of people
dancing at Simchat Torah.

Mendel was excited to be our fruit family
this week.

Thank you Mendel

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