2's Class

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Swimming Fish!

 Thank you to the Kavka Family for being Fruit Family this week! We enjoyed the bananas today!
 Expirementing with the concept of 'balancing', the children placed plastic eggs on top of each stick carefully. Some were able to stay on top, but others fell off. We tried putting more than one too, and it was tricky to get it to stay on!

 Taking turns with sand toys. 
Chana:"Can i have a turn with the measuring cup?" Levi:"In two minutes."

 At Teffilah Circle time the children sang beautifully!
"Oh lets be friends, and join together"
 Devorah does a dance when we sing her name in our song about our friends who came to school today!
 Splish splash in the pool!

 We did music and movement pretending to be silly fish!

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