2's Class

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Last Day of School.

This was the last week of school.
Without noticing we reached 
 the end of school year.

We had so much excitement
 from end of year preparations.

We started learning about Summer,
and had a lot of summer inspired projects.

We threaded pasta to make necklaces.


On the next day, we painted it with water colors.

The children had fun working on Summer projects,
we created many things.

We even painted our feet.

We made one more ... but it's a surprise.

Today we had our last morning circle.

Mayer gave a Torah to all his friends for the Torah song.

"Torah I love you."

Saying "Shema."

We discussed with the children about Summer,
 and what they are going to do in the Summer.

Our little friends were sharing ideas,
 like going on a plane, camp...

We also talked about our last day at school and how they feel. 

We had an amazing year and it's all thanks 
to your wonderful children which we grew to love.

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