2's Class

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

A Sunny summer season!

 The children sorted the wood beads by color and also worked on their fine motor skills by using tongs to transfer them into the muffin tins. 

Preparing for an upcoming birthday with drawings by each friend...

Team work cleaning up our classroom. 
 Devorah collects the Torahs when we are finished singing our Torah song. 
 More fun water play! Today we brought some toys into the pool too!
 Pouring water through the tubes. This is a great way to build motor skills!

 At circle time we talked about the way we feel outside at this time of year. Our friends pointed out that it is HOT outside, and not cold. We spoke about the Sun that shines in the current season of SUMMER. We looked at the clothing we were wearing and noticed the short sleeves and sandals, and the absence of coats and jackets due to the warm summer weather. 
 We sang a song about the sun and the summer. 
Look at our shining suns way up high in the sky!

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