2's Class

Friday, June 22, 2018

Happy Birthday Dalya and Shabbat!

 We manipulated the dough in many ways...rolling, patting, kneading, pounding, and squeezing.

 Decorating our challah bags. We are getting good and peeling the stickers off; a great fine motor activity thats fun too!

 Making chicken soup for shabbat...

 Hazel helped light the Shabbat candles.
 The boys made kiddush.

 Making the bracha on the challah.

 Dancing with instruments for the birthday girl...Dalya!

 Playing with the parachute and trying to get the balls out as we shook it hard!
 Dalya is THREE! Thanks to her mommy for some delicious cupcakes.
 Special visitors came to celebrate.

A special birthday crown that Dalya decorate, and a book and necklace that her friends made for her!

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