2's Class

Friday, June 29, 2018

5 little Challahs in the bakery shop!

 Baking challah

 Using dot paints to decorate our challah bags and a shabbat scene!
 Intently reading
 Building together

 Meir and Dalya put food in the 'pot' to make a soup for Shabbat!

 Shabbat angels
 Hazel holds a bottle, and Levi tries to see how many plastic eggs he can pile up before they fall down.
 Everyone so engaged in the pool. Water play is so much fun!

 Little kids in the little pool :)
 Highlight of our day: A Shabbat felt story about challahs in a bakery shop. We practiced counting as well as subtracting when the challahs were 'bought' for Shabbat. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

A happy rainy day!

 Stretching the rubber bands from one stick to another helps build fine motor skills, and is a beginning to learning math with the creation of different geometric shapes. 

 Summer related painting: Using pool noodles to stamp circles and paint!
 Helping cut apples for snack.
 Today since it was raining, we did not go swimming. The rain was on and off, so we took the opportunity of it stopping to rain, and went for a walk. Meyer spotted a yellow flower!
 Happy to go outside!
 while we were out, it began to drizzle, and then rain! So, we took cover under the playground. :) Then we went inside to play with bikes and balls. 

 Building social skills: Akiva and Hazel play together. 
 We also worked collectively to color a big mural!
 Music and Movement with scarves! I'm hiding....peek-a-boo! We had lots of giggling children!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Today and Yesterday!

 Friends excitedly notice their footprints from their wet feet!

 Levi asks, "You want to see my body print?" His friends like this idea, and join him in seeing the wet ground when they lay down. after being in the pool.

 Water break! Keeping hydrated in this warm weather!
 Shaving creme fun!! The children were thrilled! Devorah: "Its soft."

 Gluing buttons in each petal of the flower. We counted how many there were. 

Fun in the sun!