2's Class

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Our Alef-Bet Letters

Lately, the Yeladim have been showing interest in the letters of the Alphabet and  Aleph Bet. Many activities were brought into the classroom to build on their interest. In areas around the room, activities with the Yeladim's names were added for the Yeladim to become familiar with letters and words in a personal matter that relates to them. 

Today, a Torah was opened for the Yeladim to explore.
Teacher: What do you see in the Torah?
Peretz: Aleph Bet

The Yeladim went over the white board. They checked which letter their name begins with and chose the  Aleph Bet cookie cutter of their name. 

They pressed the Aleph Bet cookie cutter into 
slices of melon to create their letter. 

Benjamn C. "I like these letters'
Benjamin U. "It tastes like salt."
Peretz "It's sweet."
The purpose of this activity was for the Yeladim to associate the Aleph Bet  letters with the Torah and to build a positive association for the
  Torah and the Aleph Bet. 

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