2's Class

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Ice Chalk

The Yeladim drew with the ice chalk they made yesterday.

When they were done, they enjoyed using them on the playground. 

Good Bye Yakir

Today was Yakir's last day of school. We will miss him when he's visiting his family in Florida.
The Yeladim made pictures for Yakir. 

Show and Share

Yakir showed his friends the pink flowers he brought. The Yeladim enjoyed smelling them. 

Benjamin U. showed his friends his green turtle. 

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Colored Ice Chalk

Back inside, the Yeladim referred to the book to choose
 a color for the chalk that they were making.

Once they chose their colors, corn starch and water were added to the mixture.
The Yeladim mixed the mixture. 

The chalk mixtures were put onto a tray to go into the freezer.
The Yeladim are looking forward to use the chalk tomorrow.

Spring Colors

 The Yeladim listened to the book "Planting a Rainbow" by Lois Ehlert.
They discussed the colors that they saw. 

The Yeladim went for a walk around the school property to find colors. 

Hilary: "Purple"
Benjamin C. "Purple. I see purple!" 
Benjamin U: "Look, more flowers, white flowers."
Zalman: "I see yellow."

Tuesday, May 26, 2015


The Yeladim waved rainbow streamers to a song that they
 will sing with Melita the musician when she visits our school.

Sand Table

The sensory table is filled with sand and sea shells.
The Yeladim enjoyed pouring, dumping and scooping the sand.

Friendship Time

At Friendship Time, the Yeladim modeled kind words one can use to another.

Benjamin C.: "Hello"

Benjamin U. "Hello."

Zalman: "Do you want to come to my house?"

Michelle and Yakir: "Do you want to play with me?"

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Aleph-Bet and Light

The Yeladim built with magna tiles and Aleph-Bet letters on the light table.

Cheese Filled Strawberries

The Yeladim made cheese filled strawberries in honor of Shavuot.
They  mixed to together the filling. The filling was  placed in a bag with a small
hole and the Yeladim squeezed the cheese into the strawberries.

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


The Yeladim painted clear round discs to use as a decoration on their Aleph-Bet letter.

Water Beads

The sensory table now has water beads in it.
The Yeladim enjoyed feeling the texture of the beads.

Har Sinai Manipulative

 Zalman and Hilary exercised their fine motor skills as they fitted flowers into "Har Sinai."

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Aleph Bet Creations

The Yeladim have begun working on their very own Aleph-Bet letter. 

Sweet Torah

The Yeladim each found their Aleph-Bet letters in our classroom Torah.
Honey was placed on their letter to taste.

Benjamin U: It tastes like cake. 

Zalman: Can I taste it again?

Benjamin C: It's sweet. 

The Yeladim associated sweetness  with the Torah. 

Aleph-Bet Ice Cubes

The hot weather did not stop the Yeladim from getting out.
They played with water and Aleph-Bet ice cubes  in the sensory table outside.


Zalman: It's like a Torah 

Hilay: Torah

Benjamin: I made a Torha

Monday, May 18, 2015

Har Sinai

Zalman shaped Har Sinai out of play-dough. 

Aleph-Bet Cookies

The Yeladim baked cookies today.
They shaped the cookies in the shape of their letter.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Alpeh Bet Letters

The Yeladim stamped their Aleph Bet letter with shaving cream. 

Sefer Torah

The Yeladim visited the Shul and saw the Aron Kodesh-
the special place where the Torahs are kept. The Yeladim helped Peretz's father open the Aron 

 Peretz's father opened to Torah for the Yeladim to see the scroll. 

Each child, found their letter - the letter their name begins with in the Torah. 

The Yeladim gave the Torah a kiss. 

Daisy's Visit

Last week, there were lots of discussions about how to treat animals. 

Benjamin C. and his father brought their dog, Daisy, to school to model for the Yeladim proper care and treatment for an animal. 

Benjamin U. was so happy to meet Daisy. 

Zalman fed Daisy a treat. 

Benjamin C. showed his friends Daisy's paws.
Thank you Benjamin, Ari and Daisy!