2's Class

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

A Party for Sender!

Today we celebrated Sender's birthday!

We saw pictures of when he was a tiny baby, and see how much he has grown.
Sender can do so many more things now that he is big.

Sender collects the Tzedakah.

We play hot and cold.  Peretz and Sender look for the present.  They found it in the oven!

We look at a Sender's birthday book that his friends made for him.  Such beautiful art.

Sender opens is present.

"It's Tzitzis"  because now that Sender is 3, he wears Tzitzis.

Yummy cupcake treats.

More fun from today:
Today we made playdough people.

Sandplay with funnels and tunnels.

Dramatic Play:
Netanel loves wearing handbags.

Marnie dresses up as a mom with her baby.

Mendel counts his cookies all the way to 7!

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