2's Class

Friday, August 4, 2017

A New Challah Style

Today we made Challah for Shabbat.
The children are fantastic at rolling the dough. 

Today, we introduced a new style of Challah - Flower Challah.  AKA Pull apart Challah.

Hannah is rolling balls for her Challah.

Mendel created many balls and Morah helped put them together to create a flower Challah, which then turned into something else :)

At our Shabbat Party we didn't need a knife, everyone got one ball!

More fun from today:

Hannah and Marnie love Shabbat dramatic play.

Ella, "I'm drawing that for my Mommy".

Chana, "I'm filling it up.  I'm making it too much."

Akiva, "Look what i made!"

Mendel, "I'm hiding them (balls)".

Marnie gives her baby a bath for Shabbat.

Being Moms, with babies and hats.

Hannah is our Torah helper today.  Her job is to give out the Torah's as well as lead the actions for our  Torah song.  Here she has chosen for the Torah to dance on her knees and everyone will copy.  This is great leadership training.

Today we played on the playground.

Shabbat Shalom!

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