2's Class

Friday, August 11, 2017

A Fun Surprise!

Today the children had a special surprise.
We hold our friends hands' as we go and see what it is.

It was a moon bounce! 

"That bouncing thing was fun", says Chana afterwards.
"That was fun", says Sender.
"I want to do that again soon", says Mendel.

The children found leaves with holes today and told me that caterpillars ate from them.

Today we had sprinkles on our Challah.

"It looks like cupcakes", Mendel noticed.

Other events:
Yesterday, the 3's went on a tour of their classroom for next year to get a little familiar with it.

We see the place to hang our bags...

...and look around the classroom.

More fun from today:
Ella fringed her playdough.

"Look it's a sea monster".

"Hello Mommy", Netaniel says.

"I'm taking so many", says Chana.

Levi can stick so many stickers.

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