2's Class

Monday, December 12, 2016

Peek into our Day

 Today we make new play dough! 
Netanel helps pour.

Marnie helps mix

What color play dough are we making today?
"YELLOW" says Sender.  He has learned well!
Time for a new color...BLUE

We watch the blue coloring spread through the liquid.

After it is heated, Ella helps mix the flour in.

"Hot", says Lia.

Daniella blows on the play dough to cool it down.

On  our walk today, we notice many things: the sky is white, trees drop water when you shake them and the ground is wet!

We also see a birds nest.  We wonder if there are baby birds inside.  

Morah takes a picture of it and we see leaves inside.  
Maybe there will be baby birds in the spring...


  1. love the lesson! The nest is the best!

  2. "I wanna go more to school" mendel saod after seeing this post. :)
