2's Class

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Bait Hamikdash

Yesterday we looked at this picture:

What is in the picture?

"A house" says Ella,

Who's house is it?

"My house", says Sender

It's not Sender's house...Is it Mendel's house?

No...is it Kayle's house?

No...(after going through all the children)...it's Hashem house!

It's called the Bet Hamikdash.

What do you think is inside Hashem's house?

"Candles," says Marnie

"Menorah," says Ella.

Today we turned the home corner into our very own Beit Hamikdash! 

We hung beautiful drapes on the wall.

We covered the table and sink to make it shiny.

The children were very respectful in the Beit Hamikdash.

At circle time King Antiyochus came and made a mess in the Beit Hamikdash. 
He threw all the oil on the floor.  Oh no! 

We told King Antiyochus to go away!  We told him we don't like when he messes our Beit Hamikdash!

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