2's Class

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Fun From Today

Sender practices his cutting.

Lia fills a container with paper.

 Our sensory tub is filled with new materials.  The children see what they can do with it.

Ella uses a stick to suff a tube.

Ella sweeps.

Sender finds a car that Daddy can ride.

"Mummy, Daddy," says Netanel as he points to his family photo.

Pointing to family photos is one of our favorite things :)

Thank you to Kayle's family for bringing delicious fruit this week!

As part of our "All About Me" unit, we have been talking about our body parts.
We talked about teeth and how to keep them clean.
Today, each child receives their own toothbrush.

We will be brushing teeth after lunch to encourage oral hygiene. 

"Coffee" says Daniella.
Lia pours herself a drink. 
Marnie wears cooking mittens because the stove is hot.

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