2's Class

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Sukkah exploration

Today we built a Sukkah!
The children are so excited they jump inside!

The children help hold the walls up!

The Sukkah is up! Ella and Sender sit inside.

Our Sukkah is not finished yet.  We go outside in search of leafy schach.

We see a Sukkah outside!

The children help cut some leaves.

Marnie helps put leaves on the Sukkah.

The children look at pictures of Sukkot.  We see table and chairs inside as well as lots of children.

The children sit in the Sukkah.

Ella wants to come inside! 

Hanna comes in too!

We are happy Marnie joins us!

Where is the schach?

Where are the walls?

Sitting in the Sukkah is fun!

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