2's Class

Friday, October 21, 2016

Highlights of our Week

Our sensory tub has a new Sukkot flavor this week!
Filled with citric colors and smells, the children enjoy the open ended possibilites it has to offer.
Marnie and Kayle find pictures of a Lulav and Etrog.

Sender wears cooking mittens as he prepares a soup.

Ella fills a plate with rice and feeds Marnie in the Sukkah.

Hanna practices her pouring skills.

The building center was busy this week! 
Mendel sits and builds a Sukkah.

Lia builds a tall one. 

"I'm building a Sukkah" says Ella

Kayle, Lia and Marnie dance in the Sukkah.

Ella puts on gloves and changes her baby's diaper.

The children are very excited to dance with their Torah's!

Chag Sameach!

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