2's Class

Friday, October 28, 2016

A Peek into our Day

The pumpkins are set out in a row on felt squares.

Lia takes the pumpkin to the sensory tub. 
"Heavy," says Sender.

The children lift the pumpkins and feel the weight of them.
"Open," says Marnie, wondering what's inside.

Kayle figures out a way to move the pumpkin without lifting it.  She is rolling it.

"Grape Juice," says Daniella, as she pours herself and Hanna a cup.

"More.  Can I have more?" she asks Daniella.

Daniella pours Hanna another cup.
Thank you to Daniella's family for bringing delicious fruit this week!

Every day the children are given two choices.  This is a good opportunity to encourage making choices.

Tongs are used to strengthen hand muscles as well as hand and eye co-ordiantion.

Ella says the bracha Haetz on her apple.

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