2's Class

Monday, October 31, 2016

Beads + Birthday

Today the children used fine motor skills to do beading.

Ella shows Lia the picture she drew for her.

Sender helps peel the tangerine for snack.

Today we celebrate Lia's birthday!

We dance and sing Happy Birthday.

 Lia gives her friends a coin for Tzedakah. 

We give Lia a present: a picture from all the children.

After lunch we get yummy birthday treats!

Thank you!

Friday, October 28, 2016

A Peek into our Day

The pumpkins are set out in a row on felt squares.

Lia takes the pumpkin to the sensory tub. 
"Heavy," says Sender.

The children lift the pumpkins and feel the weight of them.
"Open," says Marnie, wondering what's inside.

Kayle figures out a way to move the pumpkin without lifting it.  She is rolling it.

"Grape Juice," says Daniella, as she pours herself and Hanna a cup.

"More.  Can I have more?" she asks Daniella.

Daniella pours Hanna another cup.
Thank you to Daniella's family for bringing delicious fruit this week!

Every day the children are given two choices.  This is a good opportunity to encourage making choices.

Tongs are used to strengthen hand muscles as well as hand and eye co-ordiantion.

Ella says the bracha Haetz on her apple.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Fall Fun

Todays provocation is a basket of different pumpkins and some felt squares.
The children take them to the sensory tub with the Lemons and Rice.
Lia smells the pumpkin.

Sender places them in the muffin tray.

Ella, "I can't pick it up.  It's too heavy."

Lia, "Pumpkin, Pumpkin.  Heavy," as she tries to pick it up.

Kayle lays her baby down on a pillow and covers her with a blanket. "Baby sleeping," she says.

Daniella places pieces of playdough in a red bowl, "cupcake." she says.

Lia smells the playdough.

We notice the gardener blowing the leaves away today. 
Outside the children find a pile of leaves and jump in it.

Daniella uses a shovel to work the leaves.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Pom Poms + Ice Cube Trays

 Pom poms, ice cube trays and tweezers are presented to the children.

Kayle puts the pom poms inside the bottle.

And then shakes them out into the tray.

Ella uses the tweezer to pick up a pom pom.

Marnie is using two hands to squeeze the tweezers together.

Kayle carefully places the pom pom in the compartment.

Outside we notice the Sukkah is gone.

We love hearing the crunchy sound of the leaves under our feet.

At circle time time Dina tells us she likes when we use gentle hands.

The children practice using gentle hands with Dina.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Highlights of our Week

Our sensory tub has a new Sukkot flavor this week!
Filled with citric colors and smells, the children enjoy the open ended possibilites it has to offer.
Marnie and Kayle find pictures of a Lulav and Etrog.

Sender wears cooking mittens as he prepares a soup.

Ella fills a plate with rice and feeds Marnie in the Sukkah.

Hanna practices her pouring skills.

The building center was busy this week! 
Mendel sits and builds a Sukkah.

Lia builds a tall one. 

"I'm building a Sukkah" says Ella

Kayle, Lia and Marnie dance in the Sukkah.

Ella puts on gloves and changes her baby's diaper.

The children are very excited to dance with their Torah's!

Chag Sameach!