2's Class

Friday, December 23, 2016

Yummy Latkes

The Chanukah song we have been singing mentions that we eat Latkes.
Today we finally get to see, smell and taste them!
Lia and Sender smell the Latkes.

We had a double celebration; Shabbat Party AND a Chanukah party!
We lit two sets of candles; first Chanukah candles then Shabbat candles.

The Latkes taste delicious!  The children ask for seconds and thirds!

And still had room for lunch!

Other happenings:
Dot painting

Double dot painting.

Kayle uses a knife to cut the Challah. 

Marnie and Hannah having a Shabbat meal.

Ella sorts the candles by color.

"Yay Lia!", Ella claps as Lia places the candle in the correct jar.

Netanel strengthens his finger muscles as he breaks candle by candle. 

Sender places a plate on each burner and pours grape juice.

Thank you to Daniella for bringing yummy fruit this week!

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Building & Bonding!

What a wonderful morning!  We made Menorah's with Daddy, Uncle and Mommy.

They came out beautiful!

We watch the candles burn and melt and get smaller.

Play time after all the excitement.

Ella rocks her doll and pats her back in the rocking chair.

The children choose a book and look at the pictures, pointing to something and naming it.

"Doggie"  "Woof woof" says Sender.

A fantastic opportunity to practice and build vocabulary!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Shadows and Light

At circle time, we use the projector to watch light create shadows on the wall.
We place different items on the screen and then see how they project.

It is funny to see Mother on the wall!

Other happenings:
Dr. Kayle checks Daddy with the otoscope.

Hannah shows Daniella the picture.

Ella offers Kayle a taste of her driedel dish.

Kayle and Lia dance to Chanukah music.

"Chanukah" says Mendel.

Pressing down our cookie dough.  
We are excited to make cookies for Daddy!

Today we go outside to see a big Menorah.

We noticed how tall it is!