2's Class

Thursday, September 3, 2015


Hello and welcome to Preschool of the Arts 2’s Room! 
It has been lovely meeting you and your beautiful children. 
They have settled in seamlessly and we had a wonderful morning today.
Here is a sneak peak:

Children playing…room peaceful…everyone busy.

Shir and Nechama Leiba set the table together. 

David and Gabey work together on a magnatile tower.

David and Ella spend time and focus on puzzles.

Peretz watches the sand fall through his sieve and catches it with his spade.  
He is learning about cause and effect.

Sara, Nechama Leiba and Eden use cups with their floam.

Yakir is showing Shir his Abba.  
The children love seeing their families in the classroom.  
Please send in a family photo if you havn’t already.

Look forward to more fun tomorrow! 
Love Morah Sarah :)

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