2's Class

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Sneak Peak of our Day

The children are becoming familiar with their daily routine.
First is free play where the children explore the various centers.

Sara and Leah shovel sand at the sensory tub.

 Nechama Leiba and Peretz prepare breakfast in the home corner.

Yakir and Ella work at an art project, gluing red squares onto apple cutouts.

 After cleaning up we meet for davening (praying) with song and movement.
(pictures coming soon).

Next is snack time.  Thank you to the McCaffrey family for this weeks fruit!

We line up with our shapes to go outside.

Outside time is when we use practice our gross motor skills.
Gabey is thrilled to be going down the slide.

Yakir does his daily exercise and jogs around the yard.

Sara and Shir use their big muscles to climb the equipment.

When we go back inside, we meet again to explore the upcoming Chag or seasonal topic.
Here we explore the tastes of apples, honey as well as lemon, orange and jelly. Mmmm...

Then it's lunch time.  Thank you for packing us healthy, yummy lunches!

After lunch, we brush our teeth before taking a well deserved nap.

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