2's Class

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Trip to Cabin John Park

The Yeladim went on a trip to Cabin John Park. The purpose of the trip was for the Yeladim 
to experience fall. Immediately, when entering the park, the Yeladim noticed and began collecting leaves. Some of the of the Yeladim's comments were "big," and "huge, huge leaves."

Hillary found rocks. 

Benjamin and Zalman noticed a tree with a hole in the trunk.

The Yeladim collected more leaves. 

The Yeladim were watching a leaf fall from the tree. 

They stopped to watch a squirrel. 

They tried touching each other's shadows. 

The Yeladim walked over the bridge and noticed a squirrel again.

After the nature walk, the Yeladim enjoyed playing on the playground.

In the park, the Yeladim were surrounded by trees. The leaves crunched under their feet as they stopped to observe them and collect them. The Yeladim had a rich fall experience. As the Yeladim were collecting the leaves, the teacher noticed that the Yeladim were noticing and commenting on the size of the large leaves. The teacher will provide more opportunities for the Yeladim to expand their concept of size.  

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