2's Class

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Shaving Cream

Yesterday, the children seemed very excited about finding and collecting pine cones. 
Shaving cream and pine cones were set up for the children to explore the texture of the pine cone.

The children were curious and came over to the sensory table. 

Peretz scooped up some shaving cream with the pine cone.
Zalman watched and did the same. 

Peretz: "Ice cream" 

Zalman: "Lollipop"

Benjamin: " I made a lollipop. Pretend."

He smacked his lips to pretend to eat. 

Zalman: "Snake"

Peretz: "Hands, my hands."

Zalman: " It's O.K. It's O.K. if it gets on our hands."

Peretz: "Sticky"

The children experienced a  new medium - shaving cream. They discovered new
sensory feelings as they played with the shaving cream. The children used the pine cones in many creative ways as well. Tomorrow, a variety of mediums will be presented to the children to give them the opportunity to explore the texture of the pine cones. 

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