2's Class

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fall Squash

The teacher set out many fall related items in the classroom. As the children entered the dramatic play center, they noticed the basket of fall squash set out on table.

 Hillary seemed very curious about the squash in the basket. 

She is examining and feeling the acorn squash. 

Benjamin is interested in the butternut squash. 

Zalman is feeling the acorn squash. 

Soon, the Yeladim begin rolling the squash. 
They comment on the texture of the squash. "Bumpy" they say.

Zalman tries to stand his up. 

He tries the other way. "Now it won't fall" he says. 

Peretz reaches for a squash. "Heavy" he says. 

He reaches for another. "Heavy, heavy" he says again as shifts them around in his arm. 

Later, we felt different bumpy objects from our classroom. 

After we put our jackets on to go outside, the teacher said "Let's feel one more thing,
the tree stumps."

When we came outside Benjamin said "Let's feel one more thing" The Yeladim went 
over to feel the bark of the tree.

The children were interested in feeling some more. Next, they felt the brick wall of the building.

They tried feeling all the way up the wall. 

The Yeladim wanted to feel some more. 

They felt the sidewalk as well. 

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