2's Class

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Lulov and Etrog

The Yeladim saw a picture of Peretz opening a box. We were wondering what was inside. Some of the Yeladim thought it was an apple. But then we looked again, it was an etrog! On Sukkot, we hold a lulov and etrog together and shake it. 

When Hilary is done shaking the lulov and etrog, she passes it to Peretz.

As the Yeladim shake the lulov and etrog, we sing the following song:

Did you ever shake a lulov
A lulov
A lulov
Did you ever shake a lulov
And an etrog too?

Shake it upwards 
And downwards
And forwards
And backwards
Did you ever shake a lulov
And an etrog too?

We made a lulov and etrog of our own.

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