2's Class

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Pine Cone Painting

To see the texture of the pine cones, the Yeladim used pine cones to paint.  

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Shaving Cream

Yesterday, the children seemed very excited about finding and collecting pine cones. 
Shaving cream and pine cones were set up for the children to explore the texture of the pine cone.

The children were curious and came over to the sensory table. 

Peretz scooped up some shaving cream with the pine cone.
Zalman watched and did the same. 

Peretz: "Ice cream" 

Zalman: "Lollipop"

Benjamin: " I made a lollipop. Pretend."

He smacked his lips to pretend to eat. 

Zalman: "Snake"

Peretz: "Hands, my hands."

Zalman: " It's O.K. It's O.K. if it gets on our hands."

Peretz: "Sticky"

The children experienced a  new medium - shaving cream. They discovered new
sensory feelings as they played with the shaving cream. The children used the pine cones in many creative ways as well. Tomorrow, a variety of mediums will be presented to the children to give them the opportunity to explore the texture of the pine cones. 

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Today's Walk

To experience fall, the children went on a walk today. Immediately outside of the school building, they noticed a tree with berries on it. 

The children continued on their walk and stopped to pick up leaves. 

Suddenly, Benjamin found something. "Acorn!" he shouted. 

The other Yeladim ran over to see what Benjamin found. They wanted one too and went searching
for a pine cone around the tree where Benjamin found his. 

Teacher: "Where did the pine cones come from?"

Peretz: "Sky"

Zalman: "We found it on the grass."

Teacher: "Let's look at what's on this tree,"

The teacher pulls the branch a bit lower.

Benjamin: "I want one."

Zalman: "We need some for the class."

The children are feeling the pine cone from the tree.

They feel something on this one.

"Sticky" the children comment. 

The children continue to collect more pine cones.

Zalman: "I found a rainy one."

On the way back from the walk, the children stop to feel the bark of the tree.

Thursday, October 23, 2014


Today during outdoor play, a worker was raking the leaves on the playground.

The Yeladim are watching. 

Teacher: "Look at all the leaves."
Teacher: "Look at all the leaves, where did they come from?"
Zalman: "From the park."
Teacher: "Where did the leaves in the park come from?"
Zalman: "They fell down."
Teacher: "They fell down. Where did they fall from?"
Zalman: "The tree."
Teacher: "Hashem makes the leaves fall from the tree."
Suddenly the wind blows.
"Look" the teacher says pointing out the trees near the playground.

Benjamin looks up to notice the tree and falling leaves.

Later the Yeladim come back to the leaf pile. 

"I'm going to walk on the leaves." Benjamin says. 

More Exploration of the Bumpy Feeling

At the Morning Meeting, the teacher gives the Yeladim their paintings from yesterday to feel. 

A bumpy walkway is set up so the that the Yeladim can explore this feeling with their feet.

The Yeladim ask to paint the bumpy cardboard. 

"I did it" Benjamin says as he paints. 

"Hands" Peretz says. 

Zalman and Benjamin stop to examine their hands.