2's Class

Friday, February 8, 2019

Shabbat V'eShamro

"V'eShamro Bani Israel et Hashabbat "

We loved Shabbat in our class.
the children are happy to honer Shabbat in so many ways.

We made our Challah bag so beautiful .

Then we set the Shabbat table.
Rafi cut the bread, he was very careful with the knife.

Zalman put the candles and kidush cup.

Zalman and Rafi cooked Shabbat meal...  In style.

Time for Challah, Zalman covered the tray with aluminum foil

And it goes to the oven.

Singing with Friends :" Heny Mah Tov Umanayim".

Zalman was Shabbat engine.

We danced and laugh so much...

And we frizzed.

We cleaned the "house" in honer of Shabbat.

Shabbat celebration warm and cozy.

After the "Motzi" Rafi cut a piece and gave to all his friends.

We sang new song:

"VeShamro Bani Israel et Hashabbat "

Shabbat Shalom Haverim.

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