2's Class

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

PJ's Fun Day

Today was a very special day for the children.

They all came wearing their PJ's, and even their Morah. 
They were so happy to show their PJ's to their
Friends and laugh a lot.

The children were being creative in so many ways.

Mendel and Zalman were trying to screw... 

Until they made it.

Zalman made circles.

Riva made a pie.

Mendel made a Banana.

Then it was time to bake the cake...
Mendel helped Riva put it in the oven.

They set the table and waited.... and waited...

For everyone to have pie together, Riva served Zalman and Mendel a piece.

Mendel showed his PJ's.

Today we kept learning about Dali's art work.
We talked about melting clocks, 
and we saw pic of other things that melts also.

Mendel pointed to Hanukkah candles.

Riva pointed to sugar.

we also had an experiment with
melting butter on a hot tray.

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