2's Class

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Purim Is In The Air

Purim is around the corner!
We began
 to learn about the symbols of Purim.

Riva came to class with a crown on her head.

Rafi and Zalman were playing in the palace.

Riva made a feast and put it in the oven.

Mendel tasted it .... yum!

In the sensory table we filled containers with bird seeds.

Rafi gave Mendel a try with his gragger and
 and watched him fill it with beard seeds.

And shook them while singing this song:

" Shake ,shake, shake the gragers X3
Shake them very well."

Riva and Rafi helped sweep the floor.

Mendel put the plates back in the closet.

Today we read a story with a swing in it. Riva commented,

" I fell from a swing and a went to the Doctor."

We started to learn about the Purim story by
 introducing Mordachai and Queen Esther.

We talked about good deeds for others ,
we baked cookies, and made Mishloach Manot.

Zalman added grapes.

We danced to the tune of " Mishe nichnas Adar".

We loved it!

A great moment from yesterday...

Mendel sorted the magnatiles by colors, Rafi
 helped and gave Mendel green magnatiles.

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Matching Colors

A fun way to create and feel is playing at 
the sensory table: colors, shapes and different textures.

Rafi was proud to find a long and transparent container to add the caps.

Filling gloves with bird seeds.  

"Mittens", they said.

Everyone was so excited to see Mendel's purple kippah 

Rafi decided to try it on...
Rafi said: " Look at me."

Zalman went to the Shabbat box, and brought another one for himself.

Matching colors.

And then finding them on our clothes.

Rafi has green.

Mendel matched Riva's red heart on her top.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

PJ's Fun Day

Today was a very special day for the children.

They all came wearing their PJ's, and even their Morah. 
They were so happy to show their PJ's to their
Friends and laugh a lot.

The children were being creative in so many ways.

Mendel and Zalman were trying to screw... 

Until they made it.

Zalman made circles.

Riva made a pie.

Mendel made a Banana.

Then it was time to bake the cake...
Mendel helped Riva put it in the oven.

They set the table and waited.... and waited...

For everyone to have pie together, Riva served Zalman and Mendel a piece.

Mendel showed his PJ's.

Today we kept learning about Dali's art work.
We talked about melting clocks, 
and we saw pic of other things that melts also.

Mendel pointed to Hanukkah candles.

Riva pointed to sugar.

we also had an experiment with
melting butter on a hot tray.

Friday, February 15, 2019

Shabbat Celebration

The children had Shabbat Party with friends in school. 
Its was great time and they always enjoy this special moment with friends.

Lit the Shabbat candles and dancing with friends.

 Challah fun time.

Mendel and Rafi hung Dali pictures and took
 a closer look on the colors and clocks.

We had a guest today, Zalmans brother Peretz.
He helped us built a very high tower.

Shabbat train with him was so much fun,
dancing and laughing.

Our Shabbat Party .

 Shabbat Shalom to you all.