2's Class

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Things that grow

Today we used buttons to create a flower!

Dalya and Riki at the playdough table. 

Akiva helps sweep the rice.

Ella examines a leaf under a microscope.

Thank you to Marnie for being fruit family this week!
While enjoying the deliciously sweet and juicy pineapple, we discussed where the pineapple comes from.
"Cosco", says Marnie.  "Mummy and Daddy bought it from Cosco".
We probe a little further and wonder where Cosco got the pineapple from...
We see that pineapples grow from a plant in the ground!
And who makes the pineapple grow?  
Hashem makes pineapples grow. 

Mendel and Chana hold the hose together.

Dalya, Marnie and Mendel water the flowers. 

At circle time we look at different parts of a tree. 
We talk about branches, leaves, bark and roots.


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