2's Class

Friday, April 21, 2017

Goodbye Pesach

Today we said Goodbye to Pesach.
We talked about eating Matza, having a Seder and saying the Ma Nishtana.  
I could see the pride glowing on their faces when talking about it.

We packed all our Pesach props into a basket and waved goodbye until next year.
We love you Pesach!

Other happenings:
Hannah uses her fine motor to find a hungry caterpillar.

Kayle labels all the food in the book.

Ella catches the sand from the funnel.

Sender watches the sand drop from the funnel.

Kayle sings the 'Bang, bang' song as she hammers a nail into a crack in the stump.

Mendel makes a lot of 'big pieces'.

The children are mastering rolling the dough with their hands...becoming experts!

We had drama with Morah Elena today!

She rolled us in a cocoon.

And then we were butterflies!

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