2's Class

Monday, April 3, 2017


Today we noticed a puddle in the entrance to our playground.  It reminded us of the water the Jewish people crossed when they left Mitzrayim.
Morah placed a plank over the water and the children 'crossed over the river'.

Marnie then spotted two other planks to cross over.
The children were quite confident as they walked over, without assistance! 

Other happenings:
Hannah looks after Baby Moshe.

"Pizza," says Sender as he  cuts a piece from his pie.

"Ballie", says Daniella as she rolls a piece of dough between her palms.

Ella pours the water carefully into the cups, being careful not to spill.

"Baby is crying", says Lia.

Kayle gives her baby a bath.

And then sets the table for breakfast :)

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