2's Class

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

When the Water turned to Ice

The children were curious about what happened to the water that we put in the freezer yesterday...

"It's ice," says Ella

"It's cold," says Mendel.

"I want to touch it," says Hannah, "My finger is cold."

"It can't come out," says Sender.

At circle time we pretended to be soft, wiggly water.
We waved arms and wobbled our bodies.

Then we go into the freezer; we get colder and colder and stiffer until we...freeze!
We are stiff like ice.

Then the sun comes out and we start melting!  Until we are a puddle on the floor!

We go back to the sensory table to see what happens to the ice.

It's shrinking and melting!

And tastes delicious!

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