2's Class

Friday, January 6, 2017

Snow Surprise

When we went outside today...what a surprise!  The playground floor was white!  
What was on the ground?

We touch and feel it.  It is soft and cold.
"It's snow" says Ella.
"I don't like snow" says Hannah.

We take a sample inside our classroom.

The children can't help but give it another feel.

During lunch time, we notice something.  "Where did the snow go?"
"It went away" says Sender.
"It melted" says Ella.

Other happenings:
The children are enjoying color sorting and matching activities.
The children sort a container of colored pom poms and buttons.

The children strengthen fingers when squeezing the peg and then find the correct colored winter garment to peg onto.
"Look a snake!  sssss" says Kayle.

The children are mastering the rolling motion, using two palms.

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