2's Class

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Caterpillar Affairs

This morning caterpillar is no where to be seen.  
Where is caterpillar?
Morah Osnat has a look and sees a white ball at the top of the jar.  
Caterpillar has made a cocoon!

 Practicing fine motor skills beading a caterpillar.

 The children are looking for caterpillar's cocoon.  It's a little tricky to see it.

 At circle time we read the very hungry caterpillar. 
Morah asks, "who wants to go inside a cocoon?"
Nechama Leiba says, "It's too dark inside,  I want someone to come in with me."
Peretz, "I'll come inside"

 Sara comes out of her cocoon as a beautiful  butterfly!
She is flying in the sky!

Thank you to the McCaffrey family for delicious snack this week!

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