2's Class

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Fine Motor Fun

Today the children were given various sized buttons to thread.  
This is a slightly more challenging task, however, the children used focus and persistence and were able to do it.
We talked about sizes, incorporating the words, "big, medium and small." 

Yakir chooses the shape puzzle and is proud of the boat he has completed. 

We brought spray bottles outside to strengthen finger muscles, as well as keep ourselves cool!

Beautiful Butterfly

Today we saw interesting changes at our discovery table!

Firstly, our flowers opened!  How beautiful!

Next, our sprouts have grown so so tall, we applied sticks and string to hold them up.

And finally, a butterfly has come out of a cocoon!

Butterflies like fruit, so we cut up an orange.

Peretz helps put it in the butterfly house.

We decide to use a smaller bowl.  David transfers the oranges.

Eden places it inside the butterfly house.

We watch the butterfly to see if she will eat some food...

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Lag Ba'omer Fun!

Lag Ba'omer is a happy day.  The children enjoy fun outdoor activities in that spirit.

First we practice our cutting and gluing skills.
 What color is a bonfire?
Yakir points to the picture and says, "orange".
Nechama Leiba holds up two fingers, "Two colors, yellow and orange."
 Sara and Yakir cut and glue to create a beautiful bonfire collage.

 Chayale creates a bonfire with careful gluing.

 We change into spare clothes and help carry out the water table.
Sara holds the hose to fill the tub with water.

 Peretz, "I'm planting a garden."
 Nechama Leiba, "This is like a sink!"
 Morah brings sponges, pots, pans and soap.
 The children clean the car...
 ...and the lamp post...
 After much playing and splashing, we sit in the shade to enjoy a picnic.
Bobby brings flowers and shows us the little buds that will open soon.
Thank you for the lovely gift :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Akiva and Literacy

At circle time we tell the story of Akiva the shepherd who doesn't know any Torah. 
At 40 years old he decides to go learn the alef bet and learns so much Torah, he becomes a great teacher.  He is now Rabbi Akiva.
We sing the alef bet to Akiva.
 We visit to the library and see so many books.  Akiva couldn't read the books.
 The children enjoy touching the books, turning the pages and looking at the words.
They are looking forward to learning to read one day.

 Eden chooses a pink book.

David has a 'big one'.

House Inspired

On our afternoon walk, we came upon this little house.  We talked about building a house and got inspired to build one in our class. 
 I used a large piece of cardboard and cut windows and doors.
 The children go in and out.  Peretz, "I'm going to Shul."

 Snacking inside the house.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Seed Collage

The children collage with seeds and glue...

 Thank you to the Kreiser family for delicious snack this week!
 Yakir takes out the Doctor set and takes good care of his patients...

Monday, May 23, 2016

Peek into our Day

Sara notices the sprouts have dried, she sprays them with water.

Peretz and Yakir observing the caterpillars.  "They're so big" Yakir says.

At the playdough table, the children use googly eyes and wooden pieces to create bugs and butterflies.

 Gabey, Peretz and Nechama Leiba experiment driving down various angled ramps.

David notices the caterpillars have changed since he saw them last. "It's eating," he says.