2's Class

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Pesach Show n' Share

 The children sit on the show n' share chair to share their special item.
 Yakir shows his Hagaddah from last year.  He is excited to see himself and also finds Peretz in the book.  We notice how little they look in the pictures and realize they've grown so big.
 Yakir counts the pictures on the Seder Plate.  
Yakir sees an egg, "I had an egg in Florida."
The children are curious about the other pictures and are interested to find out more.
 Peretz shows a Hagaddah and finds the page with his big brothers on it.
 Peretz finds the page with the children eating Matza and Maror.
Gabey shows us his frog pupper and we sing the song we know about frogs:

One morning when Paraoh woke up in his bed,
There were frogs on his head and frogs on his bed,
Frogs on his nose, and frogs on his toes.
Frogs here, frogs there, frogs were jumping everywhere!
Ribbit!  Ribbit!  Ribbit!