2's Class

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Drama of Baby Moshe

Today we acted out the story of Baby Moshe:
 Once upon a time there was a Mummy Yocheved.  She had a baby in her tummy.
When the baby came out, Mummy Yocheved was worried King Paroah would take her baby away.
 Mummy Yocheved had a good idea, she put baby Moshe in a basket.
 And put the basket in the water.
 Big sister Miriam, was watching Baby Moshe while he was in the river.
 When Princess Batya went swimming in the water, she saw Baby Moshe.
 She took Baby Moshe out because he was crying.  He was hungry.
Big sister Miriam went to Princess Miriam and told her that she can find a Mummy to feed baby Moshe.
Baby Moshe felt much better. 
When he grew up, he became Moshe Rabbeinu who took the Jewish people out of Mitzrayim.

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