2's Class

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Peek into our day

Peek into our day:
 Ella scoops the sand into a cup.
 Eden is working out which oval fits.
 Yakir helps prepare snack.
 Peretz, David, Eden and Sara creating art, using dot paints on fabric.

 Thank you to the Kreiser family for the delicious snack!  Melon was a hit!
Enjoying the beautiful day on our walk.
 Gabey on his perch.
Yakir finds a new cozy space.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Drama of Baby Moshe

Today we acted out the story of Baby Moshe:
 Once upon a time there was a Mummy Yocheved.  She had a baby in her tummy.
When the baby came out, Mummy Yocheved was worried King Paroah would take her baby away.
 Mummy Yocheved had a good idea, she put baby Moshe in a basket.
 And put the basket in the water.
 Big sister Miriam, was watching Baby Moshe while he was in the river.
 When Princess Batya went swimming in the water, she saw Baby Moshe.
 She took Baby Moshe out because he was crying.  He was hungry.
Big sister Miriam went to Princess Miriam and told her that she can find a Mummy to feed baby Moshe.
Baby Moshe felt much better. 
When he grew up, he became Moshe Rabbeinu who took the Jewish people out of Mitzrayim.

Making Charoset

There are a few items on the seder plate we still havn't seen...Charoset being one of them.
So when asked, 'Who wants to make Charoset?' we had many enthusiastic and curious volunteers.
 Sara counts the apples.
 And then we get right into chopping...

We sing:
Chop, chop, chop, chop the apples
Chop them 1, 2, 3,
Chop, chop, chop, chop the apples
To make Charoset for you and me.

There we have it.  Charoset...and delicious snack!

Salt Painting

Today we used salt and water to paint.
 First we mix salt with colors.
 Next we spoon it on to paper.
 Finally we spray with water...and watch the magic happen!

Monday, April 18, 2016

Pesach Show n' Share

 Today we had a Pesach Show n' Share:
 David shows his friends a basket with baby Moshe.
The chidlren remember Moshe Rabbeinu who takes the Jewish people out of Mitzrayim 
and notice it's the same name.  It is Moshe when he was a baby!
Yakir brings his baby picture from when he was a baby.
 Eden is holding a map.  This is the map of Mitzrayim, where the Jewish people worked for Paroah.
 What is Ella holding?  "Egg," says Ella.
Where do we have an egg on Pesach?
"Seder plate," says Gabey.
 We sing our Pesach songs.
And practice the Ma Nishtana.

The children remember so much!  It is impressive!

Yakir's Birthday Party

Today we celebrat Yakir's 3rd birthday.
The birthday boy chooses a red crown with Thomas.
 Yakir looks at a photo of when he was a baby.  We see how much he's grown. 
 Yakir gives his friends a coin for Tzedakah. 
 We dance and sing to celebrate.  The children hold hands and move around in a circle.  
Very coordinated indeed!
Thank you for the delicious birthday treats! 
Yum!  Yum!
Happy Birthday Yakir!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Shopping for Snack

Thank you to the Cohen family for the delicious snack this week!

Here are pictures from Chaya's shopping experience.
Chaya chooses the snack...
...and helps pay for it...

Good job Chaya!

Mat Session in the Sun

 Here are some pics of our mat session, which was held outside.

Color Survey

Today the children were asked, "What color is the grape juice?"
 Yakir says, "red."
 Peretz says, "red."
 Chaya says, "red".
 Gabey says, "blue."
Ella says, "yellow".
Eden says, "purple".
David says, "blue".
Nechama Leiba says, "red".