2's Class

Friday, October 16, 2015

A Brown Invitation to Play

 Today we played with the color brown.

With a tray of soil, acorns and pebbles as well as an age appropriate set of tools, the children had the opportunity to develop their fine motor skills, learn about colors and the feel of various textures all at once.  Was a real hit :)

Sara uses tweezers to pick up acorns and pebbles.

Eden uses the ladle to scoop dirt into the bowl.
Yakir is patiently waiting for the timer to run out so he can get his turn.  
Don't worry was only a two minute wait ;)

...looks like it was worth the wait :)

David goes for it with both hands.

Sara comes back for more tweezer fun (second of her three visits).

Chaya gets the hang of it with a smile.

Nechama Leiba brings her baby along.

The children loved the challenge of using tweezers.  
Will bring the tweezers back again soon.

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