2's Class

Friday, October 30, 2015


We are talking about squirrels and how they collect food for the winter.

Yakir's squirrel is jumping in the goop.

Peretz is hiding acorns in the goop...just like a squirrel does!

Sara pokes sticks into her goop, while squirrel rests next to her.

Morah reads the 'Busy Little Squirrel' who is very busy collecting food for the winter.
We play a game where the children help squirrel collect acorns and corn to save in the tree trunk for the winter.

Thank you to Yakir's Savta for the lovely squirrels!  The children love holding and playing with them!  It has enhanced our exploration of squirrels and made it more hands on!

A glimpse of our day

Some of the things we did today:

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Heartwarming Moments

This week in the 2's class we have been working on creating a culture of friendship and kindness.
Here are some heartwarming moments:

Yakir gives Peretz his bunny to ride in the stroller.

David helping to re-hang the family pics.

Ready to go out and play.  Peretz and Yakir hold the blue square together.

Sara helps Leah put on her shoe. 

Peretz and Sara are drying the wet playground together.  Fantastic team work!

Ready to go back inside.  Nechama Leiba and Sara hold the pink square together.

Pom Pom Play

Today we played with pom poms!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Muffin Baking

Today we made gluten free muffins!  

All our enthusiastic helpers sit ready to help.

Eden pours the eggs.

Chaya mixes the eggs, Peretz holds the bowl still for her.

Muffins all ready to go in the oven...

Tweezers and Corn Kernels

Today we had a go with the tweezers again.  This time with small corn kernels...a bit more challenging...


Monday, October 26, 2015

Pumpkin Seed Planting

Today we planted a pumpkin seed!

First we read the story, "Pumpkin, pumpkin," how Jamie plants a seed, which turns into a sprout, then a plant, a flower and finally grows into a big pumpkin.

We then planted a pumpkin seed into soil and watered it.

Then we acted out being a seed and growing a huge pumpkin.

UPDATE: Friday 6th November 

Our pumpkin seed has sprouted!  We are so excited!!!

Yakir waters our pumpkin seed.
We have a look in the Pumpkin book to see if our sprout looks like the sprout in the book.

UPDATE Monday 9th November 2015

The sprout has grown taller!

Friday, October 23, 2015

Shabbat Play Set

Every Friday we put out a white table cloth and take out the Shabbat set.

Gabey loves to put the candles in the candle sticks.

Chaya uses the knife to cut the Challah.

Sara and Chaya have a Shabbat meal together.

Gabey gives Chaya some Kiddush wine to sip.

Gabey holds the candlesticks, Chaya puts them in.  What a gentleman.

Thank you to Sara 's family for sponsoring the Shabbat set.  The children love playing with it!

David presses the sticks into his playdough.

Yakir finds the train puzzle and spends time and focus completing it.

Peretz and Eden are unwrapping pumpkins.

Eden is re wrapping hers.