2's Class

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Mitzvot Week

Inside the sensory table was placed oatmeal. 'This oatmeal would not be yummy for breakfast it needs to be cooked first!' (Ayelet)

In addition to tools to play with the oatmeal, there were pictures of the Yeladim doing Mitzvot!

Giving Tzedaka is a Mitzvah. Gabey is using coins to press in his goup.

Chayale is 'reading' and telling the Yeladim what is in her 'Mitzvah note.' She helped to soothe her baby sister when she was crying. We got to hear some wonderful things the Yeladim are busy with at home. If you did not have a chance to send in a note please feel free to send one in another day this week! It makes the Yeladim feel so special when we read about something they good they did.

Eden is using material to collage on her picture frame to decorate it. These are going to be special Mitzvah frames!

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